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Report: Michigan, Minnesota among clean energy ‘success stories’
Michigan and Minnesota are exemplar Midwest states when it comes to state- level policy pushing for clean energy development.

Renewable Energy | Success Stories | Defenders of Wildlife
Defenders works to protect and restore imperiled wildlife across North America and around the world.

Renewable Energy Success Stories | Renewable Energy Vermont
Renewable Energy Vermont represents businesses, non-profits, and utilities committed to reducing reliance on dirty fossil fuels by increasing clean renewable energy and energy efficiency in Vermont.

Ministry of New and Renewable Energy - Case Study / Success Story
Government of India

Six stories show renewable energy underpins a climate-friendly future | Energy for All
More countries are upping their game and going further with solar, wind, geothermal and other sources of renewable energy.

Ohio's Clean Energy Success Story, Year 4 | Environment Ohio
Ohio’s Clean Energy Law is working – spurring wind and solar projects across the state and big investments in energy efficiency

Success stories - EEP Africa
The Energy and Environment Partnership (EEP) is a Programme which promotes renewable energy (RE), energy efficiency (EE), and clean technology investments. The programme started 2002 in Central America before its implementation in South-East Asia and Africa.