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Zero Emissions Research & Initiatives (ZERI)
View waste as a resource and seek solutions using nature's design principles as inspiration. 

EBRD Sustainable Energy Initiative: Renewable Energy
Advancing the development and financing of renewable energy projects in the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) countries of operation.

Interstate Renewable Energy Council
Education and outreach, stakeholder coordination, technical assistance, workforce development, the adoption and implementation of uniform guidelines and standards, consumer protection and building networks to share experiences and information. 

Global Sustainable Energy Islands Initiative (GSEII)
Showcasing the efforts of small island nation in undertaking renewable energy and energy efficiency projects, models, and concepts.

Global Energy Network Institute
The GENI Initiative focuses on linking renewable energy resources around the world using international electricity transmission.

Renewable Energy Transmission Initiative (RETI) 2.0
he California Energy Commission, California Public Utilities Commission, and the California Independent System Operator have initiated the Renewable Energy Transmission Initiative 2.0 to explore the abundant renewable generation resources in California and throughout the West, consider critical land use and environmental constraints, and identify potential transmission opportunities that could access and integrate renewable energy with the most environmental, economic, and community benefits.

6 initiatives tackling African electrification | Devex

Devex has pulled together a shortlist of projects and initiatives that are dedicated to addressing energy shortages in Africa.